Steven Strong's Sacred Rock Workshops

One thing I forgot to mention which is quite important is something that Steven Strong re-iterated when he spoke to us yesterday.

The rocks in his formation have been changed with technology which is more advanced than the “sticks and stone” technology.

The rocks in this formation have been altered by advanced technology which is no longer available but was once understood quite well by the first nations peoples of Australia.

The technology used by those Ancient ones led to the collapse of their society, similar to what we are seeing now in the Western World.

After that collapse the Ancient ones of those first nations vowed to never use that technology again and instead decided to live more simply and in harmony with nature.

So due to the lost technology used on these rocks this makes them quite different than other sacred rocks and as a result of this they are treated differently.

Many of the rocks in Steven’s possession have no recorded history of where they have come from, this makes it almost impossible to return them (which is what is normally recommended)

Uncle Karno, aware of this problem, advised Steven Strong to keep the rock’s together as this would make the rocks happier than being returned to the wrong place.

These rocks when correctly placed together in formation not only makes the rocks happier, but also heals those that are lucky enough to sit inside of them.

And finally and perhaps most importantly, it is not recommended that any one handles or takes rocks from sacred sites, see these two posts for more information about the dangers of doing this.